Sunday, November 21, 2010

I am a tomboy. The end. But recently, I'm also becoming a lot more of a girl. I own more pairs of heels than I do Converse for the first time in my life, I own more skirts and dresses than I do jeans and pairs of shorts, and yet most of the tops in my wardrobe are still printed t-shirts, that I usually pair with a blazer. I will never be a girly girl, I don't giggle like a school girl when I'm talking to boys, I all out laugh when something is funny. I don't twirl my hair when I'm talking to a boy I like, I'm more inclined to be twirling my hair out of nerves when I'm being made to talk about myself.  I don't hold back parts of my personality because I'm scared of what they might think, I love sport, I love football, and when I didn't have music as such a big part of my life could have named you the starting line-up of every club in the English Premier League. I'm not going to be anything but who I am, and because of that, I am sitting at home by myself on a Sunday night, typing a blog that is actually about nothing.

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